General Questions

As a student of an organization, you are able to (1) take the courses specifically assigned to your training group by your organization admin and (2) take all the other courses offered by On the Report Card, there is a drop down list box that you can use that toggles you between the courses in your training group and all of the courses on the site. If you took a course that is not in your training groups's list of courses, then it will only show up on your report card when you have it set to All Courses.

We do not certify students but organizations can use our software to certify their students within their defined curriculum programs, including for ongoing training. Many organizations use our software to complement their existing curriculum, including their in-service testing.

A subject area is a grouping of courses in a particular topic category. We have over 20 subject areas like Behavior and Mental Health, Ambulation and Transfers, etc.

This website enterprise is owned and operated by Caregiver Cloud Services, LLC, an Ohio LLC located in Grove City, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus, Ohio.

Other Questions

Our goals in this area are to put together a leading industry communication network of caregiver related organizations and to provide services to these organizations in a cost effective manner.

Our nurse educators are well seasoned in many types and areas of writing so it is best to just ask. We can probably help you with any kind of healthcare writing that you desire.
