Family Life and Caregiving: Achieving Balance

Ella has been working as a caregiver for almost eight years. She started when her eldest child was b...

Breathing Fire: Dealing with Anger as a Caregiver

During your caregiving career, have you ever wished you could turn off your emotional reactions to e...

Being a Good Patient Advocate for Your Loved One Could Save Their Life!

Mary is a 65-year old diabetic patient. She has visible wounds on her feet that are healing very slo...

Telltale Signs that Patients Are Skipping their Medications

At present, there is a health problem so big, yet that remains unnoticed to many—nonadherence to pre...

Understanding and Dealing with Behavior and Personality Changes in Alzheimer’s Patients

In Alzheimer’s disease, the brain cells start to die. Since the cells do not replenish, the brain be...

Pregnancy and Caregiving: How to Survive the Tricky Combination

For a woman to create, grow, and give birth to another life is rather remarkable. The journey is ful...

How Do You Score as a Caregiver? 15 Points for Self-Reflection

Caregivers’ struggles are real. And there isn’t a workday without certain challenges in patient care...

Understanding How Immobility Impacts Health

Humans have to move their bodies to be healthy. Lack of body movement opens a host of problems for i...

Medication Management, from Prescription to Refill

If you are a caregiver wishing to make your life easier by doing just one thing for a start, try med...

What to do When Your Patient Keeps Saying No

Being in healthcare means dealing with all kinds of patients. Some patients make a caregiver's work ...

Zika Virus: FAQs

Suddenly Zika virus is making big headlines and all healthcare providers should pay attention. This ...

Attention to Detail: The Path to Quality Care

There are many qualities a caregiver should have and one of the most important is the ability to pay...

Help Patients Become Independent Through the Use of Assistive Devices

The need for caregiving, especially in older people, is increasing. And a problem that comes with th...

Staying in the Safe Zone by Setting Boundaries

Being a caregiver can be a very rich work experience. As you care for patients, you also build healt...

Heroes Without Superpowers – Proper Body Mechanics Save the Day

Caregivers do a lot in a day. By “a lot,” we mean muscle work from the beginning of the shift to the...

Beating the Holiday Blues - some Tips to make the Holidays Brighter

As a caregiver, you have the opportunity to help your clients make their way through the holiday sea...

Proper Hygiene Goes a Long Way to Promote Health and Prevent Diseases

Proper hygiene and cleanliness are basic requirements for good health. Even as kids, we were taught ...

Common Patient Concerns That You Need to Be Aware Of

People seek medical attention because they want their health issues addressed. But as they go throug...

Working While Pregnant: The Dos and Don’ts for Expectant Caregivers

Caregivers are some of the most resilient and hardworking employees there are in the healthcare indu...

Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Being a caregiver is stressful enough. Then come the holidays…how can you manage to get everything d...

Find a Hobby and Love Yourself While Caregiving

Is caregiving making you tired, burned out, and cranky? Don’t allow yourself to reach this point. Ho...

A Caregiver’s Guide to Recognizing Wandering and Sundowning in a Dementia Patient

Caregivers may find themselves caring for a patient with dementia or Alzheimer's disease in the leng...

A Peek Into the World of a Client with Aphasia

Our language is one of the biggest reasons why humans are special. Without language, the world would...

Caregiving and the Challenges of the Job

Caregiving is a rewarding job, and just like any other occupation, it comes with its own set of chal...

Rule Your Day: Great ADL Tips for Caregivers

Caregiving will not be complete without assisting the patient in performing activities of daily livi...

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Caregiving and the Eight R’s You Need to Overcome

Caregiving is not for the faint of heart, because of the extraordinary challenges that come with the...

9 Useful Tips for Caregiver Travel Companions

What comes to mind when you think of travel and destinations? Sunshine, fresh air. Perhaps new foods...

Death and Dying: A Caregiver’s Good-bye

Death and dying are a part of human life. But those who provide care just see it more often. As a fa...

Caregiving 101: Getting Through the After-Diagnosis Phase

If you like watching movies, chances are you’ve seen many scenes where a character goes for a physic...

Maximizing Independence at Home for Clients with Early Stage Dementia

How important to you is your Independence? How important is it to be able to do what you want, when ...

When and Why You Need Respite Care as a Caregiver

There are about 44 million Americans who perform caregiving duties for older people and persons with...

Respite care – every family caregiver needs some help

Being the primary caregiver to someone you love is a daunting task. The love you feel for your fami...

The Whys and How-tos of Promoting Independence in the Patient

By nature, we value our independence as human beings, whether as an individual or as a country. We f...

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Caregiving

Whether you are a caregiver caring for a loved one, or someone working in home health or a facility,...

Detecting Elder Abuse—Even the Unlikely Signs

Elder abuse is more common than you think. This is because anyone who interacts with older people ca...

How to Help a Caregiver from Far Away

It’s a common situation: A family is scattered across the country while one person, because of locat...

A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Transitioning Their Loved One from Home to a Facility

Being a family caregiver is a work of extreme dedication and sacrifice, and deciding to pass on your...

Self-Reflection Leaves No Blind Spots for the Future

“People who have had little self-reflection live life in a huge reality blind spot.” Bryant McGill...

Compassionate Care: Caring is Different than Doing

A caregiver's day is riddled with overwhelming tasks, and it’s easy to get engrossed in your to-do l...

Traits of a Caregiving Champ

Caregiving is a special calling. It is more than providing assistance to a patient and goes beyond h...

Goal Setting with Patients is Highly Beneficial

It's important to set your own goals and work hard to achieve them. – Yuichiro Miura...

Helpful Tips for Winning Over Your Teenage Patient

Adolescence - When you’re too young for half the things you want to do and too old to do the other h...

The Dos and Don’ts of Caring for Patients with Hallucinations, Delusions, and Paranoia

Caregivers get to work with a lot of patients with varying needs, and the challenge is to meet their...

Eating and Drinking: The Changes During End-of-Life

Feeding and keeping a client hydrated are built-in skills for caregivers. When caregivers serve clie...

Common “Scents”...Tips for Dealing with Odors

One of the biggest challenges for any caregiver is learning how to deal with unpleasant odors. No m...

Telltale Signs that Patients Are Skipping their Medications

At present, there is a health problem so big, yet that remains unnoticed to many—nonadherence to pre...

Are Your Parents Keeping Secrets?

Your elderly parent is still living in her own home and caring for herself. You’re happy that she ...

Recognizing Stress: Catch it Before it Becomes Burnout

Every day, caregivers provide help to others: family members, friends, and clients. They give from t...

Why All the Talk About Aging? – Part 1

Aging is becoming a hot topic in healthcare today. The reason? The US population is getting older by...

10 Valuable Life Lessons from Caregiving

Caregiving is an epic journey, not because of its all inspiring stories, but because its ups and dow...

Bracing Yourself When Your Patient Turns Violent

Have you ever enjoyed an action-packed movie where a patient becomes violent and attacks healthcare ...

Can Positive Psychology Help Caregivers? YES!

Coping with the stress of caregiving can feel impossible at times. What if you had a way to get thro...

Leisure and Recreational Activities That Older People Will Love

Older people sometimes find themselves having little or nothing to do but care for themselves, wheth...

How to Speak with a Patient’s Family: Tips for the Home Health Aide

As a home health aide (HHA), your primary workplace is the patient’s home, where you’ll likely be in...

Mental Health and the Caregiver: What to Do to Help Yourself

Mental health is the state of our wellbeing in terms of how we think, feel, and socialize with other...

Odor Control: 12 Practical Tips and Why It’s Important

Did you know that the human nose can detect about a trillion different kinds of smells? And that our...

Death and Dying: A Caregiver’s Good-bye

Death and dying are a part of human life. But those who provide care just see it more often. As a fa...

To Tell or Not to Tell: A Caregiver’s Dilemma

Caregivers spend a significant amount of time with clients, and they can easily earn their trust. Fr...

7+ Scientific Reasons Why Caregivers Should Play Their Patient’s Favorite Music

“Music As Medicine” is a compelling article in the American Psychological Association magazine, Moni...

6 Key Life Lessons from Senior Care

One of the things that make caregiving a rewarding job is the promise of a rich experience. The less...

Cheat Sheet for Caregivers Who Help with IADLs

ADLs, or activities of daily living, are necessary procedures for self-care, such as bathing, dressi...

Depression in Caregivers: Gloomy Days that Won’t Go Away

Whether you are a family caregiver or a paid health aide, caring for patients can sometimes pull you...

Whatever You Do, Do Not Lose the Human Connection

AI, or artificial intelligence, in healthcare is all over the news and the internet. Each year, the ...

What to Do if Your Older Client is Bored

They say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” How true do you think that is? Could boredom ...

Are You a New Caregiver? Here Are Five Helpful Things!

Every day, someone is called to serve as a caregiver. According to AARP, about 43.5 million people w...

Seven Genius Ways to Be a Team Player

Is teamwork in healthcare overrated? We often hear about the importance of teamwork during shift hud...

How to Handle Conflicts Between the Patient and Their Family

Caregivers face a lot of stress every day. One of the most daunting of all challenges is being caugh...

Unexpected Ways Caregiving Can Change Your Life

Caregiving is not all challenges and backaches. If you are thinking of becoming a caregiver or have ...

Exercise Promotes Good Health

The world around us travels at a very fast pace. People are eating more fast food, we send emails a...

Caregivers Have Rights, Too

Every caregiver knows this: Sometimes you have to be the bad guy. Depending on the day, you’re the o...

Caregiving for the Independent “Old Old” Patient

It’s no secret that people are living longer. A baby born today can expect to live until ninety. Peo...

What to Do if Your Older Client is Bored

They say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” How true do you think that is? Could boredom ...

A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Transitioning Their Loved One from Home to a Facility

Being a family caregiver is a work of extreme dedication and sacrifice, and deciding to pass on your...

Top Caregiver Issues and Concerns

Caregivers play a significant role in healthcare. The way they care for others as well as themselves...

Keeping Yourself Well During Cold and Flu Season

Staying healthy during the cold and flu season is important for several reasons. You want to avoid b...

Staying Organized: The Key to Preventing Burnout

Caregivers have a lot on their hands, especially if they have many patients assigned to them. A simp...

How and Where to Look for Support as a Caregiver

Caregiving is a tough job. And although you wish you were superhuman for your patients, there are li...

Fast Facts and Telltale Signs of Abuse in Elderly Patients

The World Health Organization defines elder abuse as an act that causes harm or distress to an older...

Understanding the Effects of Chemotherapy

Cancer is a terrifying ordeal for any patient, especially if they undergo the primary treatment, che...

Forming the Financial Team

Parents, grandparents, relatives...30 million American households provide unpaid care to an adult ov...

Winter is Coming: Help Your Elderly Clients and Loved Ones Stay Warm

“Winter is coming.” This phrase has been popularized by the TV series Game of Thrones, and it warns ...

Meet the Millennial Caregiver

Millennials . . . they are the people born between the early 80s to the late 90s....

How Challenges in Caregiving Make You Grow

Challenges are part of everyday life. For caregivers, the problems they face are different than ordi...

Throw Away Your Excuses: Meditation is Good for You

While caregiving has its rewards and special moments, it can also be a source of stress and anxiety....

Attention, Caregivers! It Really is Ok to Ask for Help

Caregiving is no ordinary task. Every caregiver who’s been on the job even just a short time would p...

How to Handle Criticism Like a Pro

No matter how badly you want your tasks done perfectly or how proud you are of your work as a caregi...

When Caregivers Become Their Patient’s Eyes: Caring for the Visually Impaired

Visual impairment can perhaps be one of the most challenging physical disabilities a person could ha...

Managing Daily Tasks: The Secret to Successful Caregiving

Whether you are a caregiver tending to the needs of your loved one at home, or personal aide working...

Winter is Coming: Help Your Elderly Clients and Loved Ones Stay Warm

“Winter is coming.” This phrase has been popularized by the TV series Game of Thrones, and it warns ...

How to Maintain Healthy Relationships with Patients’ Families

Families move their loved ones to care facilities and homes for one reason: peace of mind knowing th...

Why All the Talk About Aging? – Part 2

The talk about aging is becoming more relevant than ever, as we expect a significant number of baby ...

Helping a Patient Who is Receiving Radiation Therapy

Cancer is a major healthcare problem in the US. With more than 1.8 million new estimated cases in 20...

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Caregiving

Whether you are a caregiver caring for a loved one, or someone working in a home health or facility,...

How to Find Motivation When You’re Struggling

Being a caregiver is a rewarding job, but ask anyone who’s been there and they'll probably tell you ...

Caregiver Lessons: Behavior Changes in Clients and What They Could Mean

While on the job, caregivers will care for clients with many different health conditions, and as car...

Social Isolation is a Silent Patient Killer: Don’t Ignore It!

What is social isolation and why is it a big problem for patients?...

Journaling for Caregivers: More Than Just a Hobby

A caregiver’s day is never dull. If anything, it is full of surprises, challenges, and life lessons....

Supporting Families During End-of-Life Care

A caregiver who cares for a dying patient goes above and beyond to ensure that the patient would rec...

4 Meaningful and Creative Ways to Promote a Patient’s Wellbeing

Caregivers are often their patient’s lifeline, performing what the patient cannot do on their own. ...

Knowing When an Older Client Needs to Give Up Their Car Keys

One of the most difficult things to give up is our independence. For the elderly who have been drivi...

Top Caregiver Issues and Concerns

Caregivers play a significant role in healthcare. The way they care for others as well as themselves...

Compassion: How to Keep It Going

Have you ever stopped in your tracks and wondered if you’ve started caring less if a patient gets be...

Stop the Healthcare Team Struggle

Are you part of a team that takes care of patient needs? If you are a caregiver working in a nursing...

Relaxation Techniques: A Caregiver’s Act of Kindness

It is basic human nature to fight stress because too many difficulties in a person's life can easily...

How to Tackle Unfamiliar Tasks While Caregiving

If you’re a caregiver and need to perform an unfamiliar task, what would you do? ...

When Life as a Caregiver Feels Like Having No Life at All

“How’s life as a caregiver?” a friend asks Frieda, a mother of three who is also taking care of her ...

Knowing When an Older Client Needs to Give Up Their Car Keys

One of the most difficult things to give up is our independence. For the elderly who have been drivi...

Being a Good Patient Advocate for Your Loved One Can Save Their Life

Mary is a 65-year old diabetic patient. She has visible wounds on her feet that are healing very slo...

Meditation as a Stress Reliever for Caregivers—Does It Really Work?

Stress and burnout are unpleasant to deal with as caregivers, but it’s common knowledge that they co...

Stress, Stress, Go Away! Don’t Come Again Another Day!

Bless caregivers, because most people couldn’t take the stress of their job. Not everyone is built t...

How a Sense of Purpose Improves Patient Health

A sense of purpose triggers survival instincts in human beings. It’s why you wake up every morning w...

The Dangers of Social Isolation in Patients and How a Caregiver Can Help

Did you know that social isolation and loneliness are considered serious health risks in the older p...

Keep Your Eyes Peeled for Signs of Infection to Save a Life

Infection in patients is a serious problem, especially if they get it while receiving medical care. ...

Alzheimer's: A Glimpse into the Communication Challenges and Some Practical Ways to Connect

No amount of words can describe the feeling of living with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease. Ther...

The Unique Challenges Faced by Caregivers of Patients with Parkinson's

Parkinson's disease (PD) is caused by the lack of dopamine, a chemical messenger that transmits sign...

A Caregiver’s Guide to Recognizing Wandering and Sundowning in a Dementia Patient

Caregivers may find themselves caring for a patient with dementia or Alzheimer's disease in the leng...

Boosting a Patient's Self-Esteem to Help Them Heal

Being sick, weak, or disabled evokes many different thoughts and emotions from patients. It's truly ...

How Caregiving Skills Translate to Parenting Skills

Caregivers are important assets to the healthcare industry. They toil endlessly to make patients as ...

A Healthy Caregiver-Patient Relationship is a Win-Win Situation

Caregiving is a lot of work. Caregivers often feel overwhelmed with loads of tasks, and it’s easy to...

How Caregivers Can Help Weak or Immobile Patients

Muscle weakness is quite common. It can develop over time or appear suddenly. When a person is weak,...

What You Need to Know About “Elder Orphans” and Their Care

More and more adults are aging alone with multiple chronic diseases and live far away from relatives...

Throw Away Your Excuses: Meditation is Good for You

While caregiving has its rewards and special moments, it can also be a source of stress and anxiety....

The Unwritten and Unlikely Roles of Caregivers

A caregiver is a lot of things to a patient and the patient’s family. A big part of their duties is ...

Late-Stage Caregiving: Caring for Patients with Pain

When patients are in the late stage or terminal phase of a disease, they experience many difficultie...

Chasing Precious Sleep: Helpful Tips for Caregivers

Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. - Thomas Dekker...

How to Be One Step Ahead at Preventing Falls

One in every four older Americans fall each year. Because of falls, one older adult dies every 19 mi...

Alzheimer’s Disease: What the Facts Mean to the Caregiver

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes difficulties with memory, thinking, problem-so...